Genealogy Software

Genealogy Software for Windows

If you are looking for some genealogy software to help you store, organize and display your Family Tree as you work on it we can thoroughly recommend the FAMILY TREE MAKER software. This software is widely available and can be purchased online from Amazon. This Family Tree software program is very easy to use, affordable, and allows you to import and export your Family Tree in GEDCOM Format so that files can easily be exchanged with friends running other Genealogy software. The ability to share your Family Tree in GEDCOM format also means that you can send and receive your files with professional organizations, such as ourselves, who may use other types of computer which are not running Microsoft Windows. Family Tree Maker also integrates well with the Ancestry website allowing you to easily download and upload data.

What if my computer isn’t running Windows?

The software we have recommended above runs on Microsoft Windows because Windows is the Operating System run by most of our clients. We are however aware that some of our clients use alternative Operating Systems such as Linux or have other needs, such as requiring the ability to publish their growing Family Tree on the internet so that it can be worked on by several family members simultaneously. We would therefore also recommend the following:

Genealogy Software For Linux

We run the Linux Operating System on many of our computers here at the Suffolk Family History Research Service. The Linux Genealogy Software we use on these is GRAMPS. You can discover more about GRAMPS by clicking on the following link:

Sharing Your Family Tree On The Internet

We are often asked to recommend software which will allow several family members to work on their Family Tree simultaneously. Here at the Suffolk Family History Research Service we run the free program PhpGedView on our internal servers to allow our Family Historians to work together on customers Family Trees. You can read about PhpGedView by visiting the following Webpage:

What Is A GEDCOM File?

The GEDCOM standard defines a universal way of storing genealogy data. It is the standard way of transfering family history data between different genealogy programs.